Level of Service (LoS)
Every business has targets & needs to ensure that their Assets are meeting those all-important production KPI’s. Asset-GenZ gives you capacity to identify & record an Assets performance, this can be captured at a frequency to suit your business & can align to Preventive maintenance tasks & or during a Condition assessment (See Condition).
So, if your Asset LoS has changed & a decision needs to be made on the Asset future, why not let Asset-GenZ provide objective data based decision making.
When your business Ramps up or ramps down the Asset LoS, Asset-GenZ capability automatically changes the forecast & the life cycle of the Asset & adjusts the future forecast of operating, capital expenditure & replacement budgets.
Understanding the required level of service will ensure an asset is not under or over maintained. Optimising your maintenance expenditure.
Now that’s measuring, managing & knowing your future. That’s Asset-GenZ.