

We all know the power of an ERP, but typically they do not report the condition of your Asset. With Asset-GenZ rate your Asset for condition & trend & monitor the condition over the life of the Asset. Asset-GenZ has Asset condition assessment templates ready to go for your business. Take your mobile device to your work site, access the template, fill it out & load the data straight to Asset-GenZ. You can even do this in parallel with Preventive maintenance tasks from your ERP. Now the power of Asset-GenZ reporting functionality sets it apart from other software packages & the power is in your hands. View your assets condition trend, adjust the life expectancy, review the impact on your Risk & future budget, track the condition assessment frequency & view the condition report. Choose to identify Asset expenditure types by capital project etc. Choose to conduct a more intensive condition assessment using our detailed Asset review template, to determine a definitive decision on Asset condition. View all of this from your desktop, laptop or your mobile device. Generate reports for budgeting & capital expenditure. Now that’s measuring, managing & knowing your future. That’s Asset-GenZ.