Return on Investment (RoI)
Timely Asset return on investment (RoI) is vital to the success of a business. When it’s time for Asset replacement it’s a big decision & can sometimes be complex. It’s a decision no business takes lightly and can be one of the most important decisions a business can make with multiple conflicting objectives.
Asset-GenZ can assist and all in the one screen allowing you to view the data for an existing Asset and compare its performance against a replacement Asset.
Asset-GenZ power enables you to view the Level of Service (LoS), Life, Business Risk, De-Commissioning & operating cost of an existing Asset & compare these parameters against a viable replacement.
You will not have to enter the data for an existing Asset. At the click of a button the Asset-GenZ RoI display, allows you to import existing Asset key data right to the RoI screen. Then you can add the matching data for a preferred replacement Asset & compare like for like data in the one screen. Giving you the power to make a cost effective, validated & reportable business decisions.
Now that’s measuring, managing & knowing your future. That’s Asset-GenZ.